Lista de Atividades com Respostas para Duolingo English Test
Em busca de atividades para praticar as suas habilidades antes de fazer o Duolingo English Test? Neste post você encontrará uma lista de atividades desenvolvidas para este exame, assim você vai ficar mais próximo de alcançar o seu objetivo!
Peter Vanderlind
2/22/20248 min read
Quer melhorar sua pontuação? Então você precisa aprender sobre sufixos em Inglês!
Muito provavelmente você está se perguntando: o que são sufixos? Sufixos são terminações que vão no final de uma palavra. Por essa razão é tão importante que você aprenda a identificá-los, pois sem esse conhecimento fica bem mais difícil responder exercícios de completar palavras do Duolingo English Test.
Se você ficou curioso e gostaria de ler mais sobre este tema em Inglês, visite o post "What Are Suffixes in English? Definition and Examples - O que são sufixos em Inglês? Definição e exemplos" disponível no Grammarly.
Para aprender este conteúdo, primeiro vamos dividir os sufixos em grupos.
Sufixos que representam conjugação verbal:
Por exemplo: -s (works, knows, tells), -ies (studies, carries, flies), -ing (working, knowing, telling), -ed (worked, touched, jumped), -ied (tried, carried, married).
Sufixos que representam pluralidade:
Exemplos: -s (cats, dogs, buildings), -ies (hobbies, babies, families).
Sufixos dos pronomes reflexivos:
Exemplos: -self (myself, herself, himself), -selves (themselves, yourselves).
Sufixos de comparação:
Exemplos: -er (stronger, weaker, faster), -ier (happier, busier, funnier).
Sufixos de superlativos:
Exemplos: -est (strongest, weakest, fastest), -iest (happiest, busiest, funniest).
Sufixos de derivação para verbos:
Exemplos: -ate (congratulate, enunciate, regulate), -en (strengthen, brighten, awaken) -ify, -fy (electrify, liquify, testify), -ize (demonize, legalize, neutralize).
Sufixos de derivação para substantivos:
Exemplos: -acy, -cy (normalcy, privacy, delicacy), -al (betrayal, denial, tribunal), -ance, -ence (ambiance, correspondence, maintenance), -ant (defendant, hydrant, coolant), -er, -or (player, actor, baker), -ism (minimalism, liberalism, capitalism), -ist (artist, colonist, communist), -ity, -ty (rarity, nationality, beauty), -logy, -ology (psychology, biology, terminology), -ment (agreement, merriment, statement), -ness (sweetness, darkness, loveliness), -ship (internship, kinship, citizenship), -tion, -sion, -ation, -ion (animation, extension, suspicion).
Sufixos de derivação para adjetivos:
Exemplos: -able, -ible (comfortable, unstoppable, edible), -al (personal, coastal, optimal), -esque (novelesque, picturesque), -ful (wonderful, beautiful, colorful), -ic, -ical (basic, atomic, clinical), -ish (stylish, brutish, childish), -ive (creative, progressive, vindictive), -less (harmless, worthless, timeless), -like (catlike, warlike, guitarlike), -ous, -ious (rigorous, various, disastrous), -y (hairy, funny, nerdy).
Sufixos de derivação para adverbios:
Exemplos: -ly, -ily (slowly, carefully, happily)
Atividades para Duolingo English Test
Abaixo você encontrará várias atividades similares àquelas que você enfrentará no seu Duolingo English Test. Logo após o parágrafo você encontrará a resposta da atividade. Substitua os símbolos "*" pelas letras corretas. Click aqui para saber mais sobre as minhas aulas online e individuais voltadas ao Duolingo English Test.
Atividades 1
While the silver gleam of mercury might seem harm****, its deceptive beauty hid** a potent threat. This element, a thief in disguise, silent** infiltrates our bodies thr**** contaminated fish, broken thermometers, or even dental fill****. Once inside, it wreaks havoc on the nervous system, its toxic tendrils caus*** tremors that dance across limbs, robbing speech of its fluency, and shrouding memories in a fog. The vibrant tapestry of tho**** unravels, replaced by anxiety and confusion, a chilling remind** of the delicate dance between life and its metallic antagonist. But fear not, for aware**** is the first line of defense. By understanding the hidden dangers of mercury, we can navigate its presence with cau****, safeguarding our health and preserving the clarity of our minds.
While the silver gleam of mercury might seem harmless, its deceptive beauty hides a potent threat. This element, a thief in disguise, silently infiltrates our bodies through contaminated fish, broken thermometers, or even dental fillings. Once inside, it wreaks havoc on the nervous system, its toxic tendrils causing tremors that dance across limbs, robbing speech of its fluency, and shrouding memories in a fog. The vibrant tapestry of thought unravels, replaced by anxiety and confusion, a chilling reminder of the delicate dance between life and its metallic antagonist. But fear not, for awareness is the first line of defense. By understanding the hidden dangers of mercury, we can navigate its presence with caution, safeguarding our health and preserving the clarity of our minds.
Atividade 2
Losing wei*** is all about mak*** positive chang** in your life, such as choosing health*** foods and ge***** more exercise. It's not just about eating less but choosing the right kinds of foods that nourish your body and help you feel full and satisf***. Also, being active isn't only about doing tou** exercises; it can be simple things like walking more, taking the stairs inst*** of the elevator, or playing a sport you enjoy. The key is to keep these chang** going over time. This way, you can reach a healthier weight and feel better about your****. Remember, it's important to find a balance that wor** for you, so you can stick with it and see the results you want.
Losing weight is all about making positive changes in your life, such as choosing healthier foods and getting more exercise. It's not just about eating less but choosing the right kinds of foods that nourish your body and help you feel full and satisfied. Also, being active isn't only about doing tough exercises; it can be simple things like walking more, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or playing a sport you enjoy. The key is to keep these changes going over time. This way, you can reach a healthier weight and feel better about yourself. Remember, it's important to find a balance that works for you, so you can stick with it and see the results you want.
Atividade 3
Take**** food is a big part of busy city liv***. It's like a lifesav** for people who don't have much time in the morning or are feeling hungry late ** night. Takeaway isn't just about eating; it's a cool way to explore different cultures throug* the flavors we get to enjoy. The food usua*** comes in boxes or wr***, making it super easy to carry aro*** and eat wher**** you are. It's like a little adventure in every bite. This kind of food is not just about filling our stomachs; it's about bringing people together. Even when life is moving fast, takeaway meals help us stay connect** and happy, creating little moments of joy in the mi*** of our busy days.
Takeaway food is a big part of busy city living. It's like a lifesaver for people who don't have much time in the morning or are feeling hungry late at night. Takeaway isn't just about eating; it's a cool way to explore different cultures through the flavors we get to enjoy. The food usually comes in boxes or wraps, making it super easy to carry around and eat wherever you are. It's like a little adventure in every bite. This kind of food is not just about filling our stomachs; it's about bringing people together. Even when life is moving fast, takeaway meals help us stay connected and happy, creating little moments of joy in the midst of our busy days.
Atividade 4
Airports are key hubs in global travel, connecting different parts of the world. They consist of run**** for planes and terminals for passengers, focusing heav*** on safety and security. To ensure smo*** operations, airports manage vast numbers of flig*** daily, coordinating take**** and landings meticulou***. They also serve as gateways to cultures, with shops and facilities reflecting local and international flavors. Airports embrace technology, using self-check-in kiosks and advan*** baggage systems to improve the travel experience. More****, they tackle environmental challenges by adopt*** green initiatives. Understanding how airports work helps us appreciate their role in making travel efficient, s***, and environmentally responsible.
Airports are key hubs in global travel, connecting different parts of the world. They consist of runways for planes and terminals for passengers, focusing heavily on safety and security. To ensure smooth operations, airports manage vast numbers of flights daily, coordinating takeoffs and landings meticulously. They also serve as gateways to cultures, with shops and facilities reflecting local and international flavors. Airports embrace technology, using self-check-in kiosks and advanced baggage systems to improve the travel experience. Moreover, they tackle environmental challenges by adopting green initiatives. Understanding how airports work helps us appreciate their role in making travel efficient, safe, and environmentally responsible.
Atividade 5
Photography merges art with technology, capturing moments that bri*** subjective artistry and objective documenta****. It manipulates light to immortalize fleeting experiences, serving diverse purpo*** from artistic expression to scientific anal****. As photographic technology has evol***, it has made visual storytel**** more accessible, allowing for a ric*** documentation of the human experience. This med*** not only challenges our perceptions but also conne*** us to perspectives and narratives be**** our own, highlighting its significant role in both cultural and historical contexts.
Photography merges art with technology, capturing moments that bridge subjective artistry and objective documentation. It manipulates light to immortalize fleeting experiences, serving diverse purposes from artistic expression to scientific analysis. As photographic technology has evolved, it has made visual storytelling more accessible, allowing for a richer documentation of the human experience. This medium not only challenges our perceptions but also connects us to perspectives and narratives beyond our own, highlighting its significant role in both cultural and historical contexts.
Atividade 6
A atividade a seguir é diferentes daquelas que praticamos até o momento. O objetivo deste exercício é descrever em Inglês uma imagem dentro de 90 segundos. Utilize um cronômetro e a imagem abaixo, no final compare a sua resposta com a resposta que eu elaborei dentro de 90 segundos.

"In this picture I see a man walking on a street, behind him I see many cars and some people. I also see some trees and a lot of leaves on the street. It's a beautiful sunny day. The city looks very modern and friendly. The man is probably around the age of 40. He has a great sense of style and I really like his clothes. I probably have something similar in my closet. He reminds me of my dad because of his face."
Perceba que a resposta elaborada é uma mistura de descrição da imagem com um pouco de opinião pessoal.
Mais importante que usar um vocabulário rebuscado, é demonstrar que você domina diferentes pontos gramaticais.
Gostou desse exercício e quer aprender mais sobre como responder esse tipo de atividade? Click aqui para descobrir mais estratégias e expressões voltadas a este modelo de atividade.
Ainda não se sente seguro e acredita que precisa de ajuda?
Basta clicar no ícone do meu WhatsApp para entrar em contato comigo. Sou professor de Inglês autônomo e já dei aula para muitos alunos que buscam aumentar sua pontuação no Duolingo English Test.
Inclusive eu já fiz essa prova, você pode conferir minha nota aqui. Como você pode ver, minha pontuação geral foi 145, sendo a minha pontuação mais alta 150 e a mais baixa 140.
A maior parte dos alunos sente muita dificuldade nas atividades que envolvem fala e escrita. Durante as aulas online e individuais você vai aprender estratégias para melhorar sua pontuação nesses quesitos. Ficou curioso para saber mais sobre o meu trabalho? Clique aqui para ter mais informações.
Agende uma aula experimental online, tenho certeza que com a minha ajuda você vai alcançar o seu objetivo!
Forte abraço - Peter Vanderlind